Sunday, December 12, 2010

3 Weeks 5 Days in NICU

Today Jack is doing a little better.  His night nurse got him to eat almost all of his feedings by mouth and he continues to do the same today.  The blood in his stool is not visible anymore but still shows up when they do their little test.  So they are going to go ahead with the GI consult tomorrow.  They will take a little biopsy of his colon.  He will be awake for this procedure and they tell me that it's not painful but I still find that hard to believe.  Pray for my little bug that he doesn't feel pain during this!  The biopsy is going to tell us if he has a formula intolerance.  If he does they can switch him to a lactose free formula.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers! 

First snow of my little bug's life today!  :)  Wish I could show it to him! 

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