Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2nd and 3rd week in the NICU

I'm so sorry it's been two weeks since I updated.  Time goes by fast and so do the days.  Well I'm excited to say that they removed the lights and Jack has been moved into an open crib.  Jack started taking bottle feedings and was working up to eating about half of his feedings through bottle and the other half through the feeding tube.  I was trying to feed breast milk, but my milk never came in and I wasn't producing enough to feed him so we started formula this past Saturday December 4th.  Apparently his belly didn't like the new formula on top of the new multi-vitamin the doctors started him on because he started having blood in his stool.  They stopped his feeding and he went about 13 hours without eating.  They had to start an IV and after three times they finally got one in his little head!  Since this time they have had to replace it four times.  It is now in his little foot as of this morning.  They removed the feeding tube when they had stopped his feedings because he didn't need it and it was time to replace it so they gave his nose a break.  They started him back on 10 cc's and went up one cc every three hours which is every feeding.  He has been able to take all his feedings through bottles and is up to 33 cc's.  They decrease his IV fluids with each cc he gets of formula until he gets to 46 cc's which is his max.  When he reaches 46 cc's they can take his IV out.  We are praying that they get to take it out either tomorrow or Friday.  Also we are praying that he will be able to continue to eat all his bottles by mouth so we won't have to put the feeding tube back in!  His heart rate drops are starting to decrease which is so exciting.  All we have to do to get him home is work out this formula situation and get his heart rate drops to stop and get him off his caffeine. 
Jack is a fighter and we have faith in the Lord that he has a special plan for Jack.  Everything happens for a reason. 
God gave Jack a special  nurse named Candy.  From the first time she took care of Jack I just loved her.  I believe that God places people in our life for a special reason.  Candy needs prayers because her breast cancer has come back.  We all know what prayers can do we have seen it with Jack.  Please spread the word to pray for our friend Candy.  The NICU needs her back and the world needs more people like her.  God knows what he is doing and even though it's hard not to question things I know that God is working in her life!  I'm so thankful for the new friend God has allowed Jack and I to meet in this troubling time!

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